Protect Your Computer

Wednesday, May 20, 2009 | posted in | 0 comments

A lot of people look to try to spend a lot of money when they buy a computer. Their frame of thought is that they have to buy a "name brand" computer so that it will last. But I'm here to tell you that all of that isn't necessary. If you take care of your computer... it will take care of you.

You are better off taking the time and trouble to look after your computer on a regular basis, than to have it crash or freeze up on you. If that happens, it would be quite possible that you could loose everything that's on you computer, Then you'll end up spending a great deal of money just to TRY to get it repaired. That's right, I said TRY. I don't mean to scare you... but sometimes not taking small ans simple precautions can result in long term headaches.

So let's take a look at some tips that can help you avoid some disasters:

  1. Scan your computer daily when you finish working on it.

  2. If on a certain day you happen to download many pages, software, programs, zipped files, exe files, etc., immediately after downloading everything, scan your computer. This way, just in case a virus existed in anything you downloaded, you will catch it in time before it infects your entire Hard Drive.

  3. Use your online scanner to scan your computer once a week

  4. A virus can duplicate itself to everyone on your address book and send itself out by email, without you even knowing that this has been done

  5. Use your adware/spyware checker once a week

  6. Set your virus checker to update itself automatically. This way, it is always updated with the latest protection.

  7. Do not open any attachments in emails from people you do not know.

  8. Do not open any attachments even from people you do know, if you are not expecting anything from them.

  9. Do not download free music on the Internet – these free sites are always infected. ( Your kids will hate me for that tip)

  10. Do not download any free games from the Internet ( They will hate me for that one too)

  11. Back up all your data on a daily basis. Use floppy disks, flash drives, memory sticks, zip disks, CD-Roms, etc.

  12. Adult sites are particularly prone to viruses.

  13. Print out contracts, payment forms, agreements and all legal documents and file them away in a ring-binder. Try not to keep anything to do with your finances, payment details, payment processor passwords, credit card details, etc. on your computer. A hacker could easily access all these details, if they are anywhere on your computer. And with today's online WiFi technology, it becomes possible for hackers to at least attempt to get at you.

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