As the orkut images are blocked with an specials java scipts we were not able to save the orkut images. But a simple technique which i was using was printscreen to capture the images. That was not so much satisfied because proper images size cannot be gained through this method. So i came out with an alternate method which is very simple as well as we can get the original image from the orkut profiles with out using the print screen button.
Now when you come across the profile images in orkut. Select the image which you need to download. Then right click on the image or outside the image. Select Page Info, now a new window occurs named as Page info. There are different tabs like General, media,permission..etc. Select the media option, Now you can seen that menu occurs below media option mentioned Address. Check the different addresses by pointing it with your mouse pointer now you can see the image you need to download in one of the address. Then click he save as button at the bottom right of the address menu. Now your image is downloaded form the orkut profiles.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
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